Voyeuring the Apparatus. Videofag, Toronto 2013, Nuit Blanche Renegades Soma Gallery Berlin 2014/ Survival - International Performance Festival

Performative and experimental conference presentation on Oct.26, 2012 playing with Antonin Artaud's scream and John Cage's silence - while motion-tracking movement that triggers multi-media content when responding to a performing body.

Walking inside a poem by Pessoa. Interactive installation experiment. 2013.

Voyeuring the Apparatus. Videofag, Toronto 2013, Nuit Blanche Renegades Soma Gallery Berlin 2014/ Survival - International Performance Festival
The Digital Dramaturgy Lab (DDL), founded in April 2012, is a creative research initiative of artists, scholars, scientists, technicians, programmers/software developers and students in collaboration with the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Toronto and partners like the Knowledge Media Design Institute at U of T and the Digital Media Program at York U.
For more information see aboUT
Good to know:
DDL is also short for "Data Definition Language" or "Data Description Language".
It allows for commands like CREATE, ALTER, DROP
"A data definition language (DDL) is a computer language used to create and modify the structure of database objects in a database. (...)
DDL does not show up as a different language in an SQL database, but does define changes in the database schema."