
September 29, 2016
7 pm-11 pm
Multi-location event - a journey
In-Between Algorithms. (Life/Death)2
Energizing Matter/ Materializing Energy
Date: Thursday, Sept. 29, 2016
Time: 7pm-11pm
This is a multilocation event, involving a guided journey that will start at the Fields Institute (222 College Street) and will end at the Lobby of the Robert Gill Theatre, Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies (Koffler Student Service building, 214 College Street)
There will be a reception providing food and drinks in the lobby of the Robert Gill Theatre. PROGRAM
The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
Court yard at the Fields Institute
Hallways of Bahen Centre,
Staircase in the Koffler Student Services Building, 3rd floor
Lobby of the Robert Gill Theatre, 3rd floor
Project facilitators: Antje Budde (Digital Dramaturgy Lab, Institute for Digital Humanities in Performance at the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies), Nina Czegledy (LASER/Leonardo Network), Roberta Buiani (ArtSci Salon, Fields Institute), Don Sinclair (Computational Arts at York University).
Event assistant: Sanja Vodovnik
Project concept: Antje Budde with collaborators Nina Czegledy, Richard Windeyer, Monty Martin, Don Sinclair, Roberta Buiani
2010 - present
2010 - present
March 19, 2016
Hart House, Art Museum at the University of Toronto, Justina M. Barnicke Gallery
Between Thing and Agent: A Vocabulary for Performing Objects
Roundtable discussion with Sarah Blake (Humanities, York), Johanna Householder (Art, OCADU),
Nic Sammond (Cinema Studies, U of T), Marlis Schweitzer (Theatre, York), and
Mark Sussman (Theatre, Concordia).
Moderated by Antje Budde (Digital Dramaturgy Lab, Toronto).
Antje Budde Notes for introduction
Panelist notes:
Sarah Blake: "Agency"
Johanna Householder: "Material"
Nic Sammond: "Animation"
Marlis Schweitzer: "Thing"
Mark Sussman: "Toy"
Photo: Animate Entities event photographer
left: Antje Budde right: Johanna Householde
This was part of the event Animate Entities: Objects in Performance
March 18-19, 2016 at the University of Toronto.
Event documentation HERE

Feb. 5-6, 2016
Robert Gill Theatre Lobby
Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies. University of Toronto.
"Between Life and Death 生死界. By Gao Xingjian 高行建. - An interactive, participatory staged/faked reading experiment by the Digital Dramaturgy Lab (DDL)"
Antje Budde, Alisha Stranges, Gloria Ziying Gao, Montgomery Martin, Richard Windeyer, Dave deGrow, Justin Blum. Assisted by Julia Howman. Festival of Original Theatre 2016 (FOOT) "Staging Realities", annual graduate conference. Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies, U of T.
Project description (p.15-16)
Jan. 23, 2016 - Toronto
Moving Bodies in Space(s). Intersections of embodied materiality in digital cultures
Co-presented by Nazli Akhtari, (via Skype) Antje Budde, Myrto Koumarianos, Shelley Liebembuk
Presentation slides HERE
At "The Other “D”: locating ‘D’ance in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies in Canada"
Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Toronto, 214 College Street, Robert Gill Theatre Lobby
Organized by Seika Boye (PhD candidate), Dr. Heather Fitzsimmons-Frey and Dr. Evadne Kelly
More info HERE

Jan. 16-17, 2016 - Toronto
Inter-Action/Section. - Performing Technology, Humans and the Politics of In-betweenes
Collaborative Workshop-Symposium, free and open
Where: Luella Massey Studio Theatre, 4 Glen Morris Street, Toronto
This workshop-symposium is envisioned as a hybrid of three distinct DDL event formats like 1. brAInsTOrm, 2. sAFari and 3.participatory workshops. The first provides an intellectual discussion forum, which helps to formulate key issues in digital culture as pertinent to artistic practice and research among a wide range of conceptually and politically interested forms of knowing/doing in the field of theatre and (cultural/political) performance. The second affords opportunities to connect with local and international practitioners (artists, scholars, scientists), see their work in order to compare it to similar or different modes of digital dramaturgy, of conceptual and practical approaches. The third follows the DDL tradition of highly inclusive workshops welcoming anyone interested regardless of their current level of expertise. These three formats will be integrated into one event, a symposium-workshop weekend.
Day one offers a participatory workshop-symposium with our guest multi-media artist Natasha Davis (UK), and representatives of Toronto-based creative collectives Ars Mechanica Theatre, Toronto Laboratory Theatre (TLT), and the Digital Dramaturgy Lab (DDL).
Presenters: Natasha Davis, Art Babayants, Antje Budde, Sasha (Alexandra) Kovacs, Monty (Montgomery) Martin, Jijo Quayson
Day two invites us to enjoy her most recent multi-media performance experiment entitled TEETH SHOW, created and performed by Natasha Davis.
More info HERE
FB event Jan.16
FB event Jan.17
Supported by the Theatres Committee at the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Toronto
Nov. 26, 2015 - Toronto
The Digital Dramaturgy Lab - An Introduction
Co-presented by Antje Budde and Monty Martin
At "Innovative Practices in Graduate Supervision: The 'Lab' Model" Roundtable discussion hosted by the Dean of SGS,
School for Graduate Studies, U of T, 63 St. George Street, Toronto
Organized by Prof. Suzanne Akbari, advisor to the Dean
More info HERE
July 16-18, 2015 - Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg
Play as Game – Spiel als Beute.
Critical Making as Dramaturgical Strategy, a Tool of Digital Learning and Interactive Engagement in Performance
Presented by Antje Budde with Monty Martin
International Symposium
“Stage @Play. – A Symposium on the Convergence of Theatre and New Media (games)”, Theater Rampe Stuttgart, Theaterakademie Ludwigsburg.
See program here HERE
Other info HERE
Powerpoint slides HERE
Manuscript HERE
June 15-17, 2015 - Paris
Moi qui parle à moi-même dans le numérique – Auditory Alienation and Liberation for Intermedial Performer
Co-presented by Sebstian Samur and Richard Windeyer
International Conference “Bodies on Stage: Acting confronting Technology” IFTR international conference, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris.
Feb.7, 2015 - Toronto/ March 27, 2015 - Buffalo
Jing@Ju Karaoke - Interactive Queer(ing) of Beijing Opera
Collaborative presentation
“Queer(ing) Performance”, FOOT Festival of Original Theatre, graduate conference, University of Toronto
“Structures of Digital Feeling” symposium, Technê Institute, Buffalo University
Powerpoint slides (draft) HERE
Feb.6-9, 2014 - Toronto
Trans_missions, trans_visions and trans_gressions – Developing Digital Performaliteracy through process-based workshops in interdisciplinary course work (undergraduate and graduate)
Co-presented by Antje Budde and Don Sinclair
From my (global) village I see as much. - Walking Inside a Poem. Pessoa.
Collaborative presentation
Both presented at FOOT Festival of Original Theatre “Breaking the Bodies Boundaries”, graduate conference, Feb.6-9, 2014, University of Toronto.
More info HERE
July 25. 2013 - Barcelona
The Digital Dramaturgy Lab – Re-routing in progress
Presented by Antje Budde
Annual conference of the International Federation of Theatre Research (IFTR) , session of the working group "Intermediality in Theatre and Performance"
From the abstract: "In my presentation I will talk about a re-routing process encapsulated in the founding and ongoing activities of the Digital Dramaturgy Lab, both in the context of new priority shifts in my research and artistic practice but also in the context of the newly established Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Toronto".
April 2013-Oct. 2013 - Toronto, Hamburg, Berlin, Toronto
Digital Performance Dramaturgies and Globalization - Reality/Virtuality/Intermediality, In-betweeness and the Politics of Theatrical Aesthetics
A research-as-practice endeavour and a travel-and-research project for senior undergraduate and graduate students led by a senior researcher to gain hands-on knowledge and practice in contemporary, comparative theatre research.
For more info click HERE.
Feb.3, 2013 - Toronto
The Digital Dramaturgy Lab. - Vision and questions
Co-presented by Antje Budde and Don Sinclair
A conference presentation by Antje Budde (University of Toronto) and Don Sinclair (York University) at the conference F.O.O.T. - Festival of original theatre. Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Toronto.
Pdf of our Powerpoint presentation click HERE.
Video documentation of the related workshop "animated/animated bodies" click HERE
Oct. 26, 2012 - Toronto
Artaud's Cage. - A conference performance experiment
Collaborative presentation
A conference presentation for the International conference The Future of Cage: Credo by Antje Budde (University of Toronto) with Art Babayants, Aidan Dahlin Nolan, Douglas Hamilton, Myrto Koumarianos, Kat Letwin, Tara Ostiguy, Montgomery Martin, Michael Reinhart and Don Sinclair .
Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Toronto.
For more info click HERE.