The Digital Dramaturgy Lab hosts regular BRAINSTORMS: networking events and gatherings for artists, scholars, performers, designers, technicians to collaborate, share ideas, share inspiration.
brAInsTOrm X: Thursday, April 12, 2018
biopoetriX - conFIGURing AI
Performance, LabDance, Panel discussion followed by a Reception
6-8pm @Luella Massey Studio Theatre, Toronto
Project organizers: Antje Budde and Roberta Buiani
The Digital Dramaturgy Lab/Institute for Digital Humanities in Performance and the ArtSci Salon at the Fields Institute and the new International Performance Series of the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies at U of T. Supported by the Italian Embassy in Canada and the Italian Cultural Institute in Toronto.
Marco Donnarumma "Corpus Nil . A Ritual of Birth for a Modified Body"
North American and Canadian premiere!
Blitz media posters on labs in the arts, sciences and engineering
Performing AI, hybrid media and humans in/as technology
Roberta Buiani (ArtSci Salon)
Antje Budde (Digital Dramaturgy Lab)
Marco Donnarumma, Berlin
Doug van Nort (Dispersion Lab, York University)
Angela Schoellig (Dynamic Systems Lab, University of Toronto)
Jane Tingley (Stratford User Research & Gameful Experiences Lab (SURGE), University of Waterloo)
brAInsTOrm IX: Saturday, Jan. 27, 2018
Cooking up. - Investigative Research Performance “Between Life and Death” – project
The enjoyable making of critical potato pancakes and project ideas
2pm - 10 pm @ 136 Glendale Avenue, Toronto
Project organizer: Antje Budde with DDL friends
A project of the Institute for Digital Humanities in Performance (idHIP), and the Digital Dramaturgy Lab (DDL), in collaboration with the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies at U of T.

brAInsTOrm VIII: Saturday, Oct. 21, 2017
An experiential exploration threw the politics and poetics of the outcast
11 am - 4.30 pm @ Luella Massey Studio Theatre, 4 Glen Morris Street (there will be a pizza break and π coffee breaks)
Project organizer: Nazli Akhtari with DDL friends
A project of the Institute for Digital Humanities in Performance (idHIP), and the Digital Dramaturgy Lab (DDL), in collaboration with the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies at U of T.
NOTE: This event will be documented for archival and publication purposes via audio-visual media.
Presenters and Presentations:
Nazli Akhtari: Moderator
Antje Budde: Introduction: On Willful Subjects (Sara Ahmed) and the Queer Art of Failure (Judith Halberstam)
Vicki Zhang: The Male Root. (short play reading)
Riaz Mahmood: Mom Slapped me: An autobiographical anecdote.
Antje Budde, Myrto Kourmarianos, Nazli Akhtari: Radical Slowness. - A moving provocation of time and perfection , women-cyborg performing endurance, materiality, slow and mental strenght in "Stare.Print.Blue. - Voyeuring the Apparatus"
Nina Czegledy: Politics of Rejection.
Teresa M. Sorska: Attempts to Connect.
Sanja Vodovnik: I'm Sentimental, So I Walk In the Rain.
Art Babayants: A Rejection Manifesto.
Technical setup: Antje Budde
Technical Production Assistant: Ross Slaughter
Technical support: Paul Stoesser and Richard Windeyer
Project description:
Crushed by the vast amount of pop culture that fetishizes, valorizes, and commodifies rejection (including Jia Jiang’s Rejection Therapy project, Johannes Haushofer’s CV of Failure, Suzanne Clements’ Rejection Letters of an Emerging Artist, Robert De Niro’s You're Fucked speech at Tisch School of the Arts), WE WILL ROCK an open thinking brainstorm session, which embraces rejection while working against using IT as a motivational or therapeutic f(t)ool in pursuit of future success. Instead we will THINK together about personal and professional ideas that were rejected yet still live somewhere in the back of our minds, in the cells of our bodies (KOMMA?) or amANGST the stored files on our clouds.
Our brainstorming session is an opportunity to give these successfully rejected attempts the chance of realization with the hope of eliciting a debate about the politics and the poetics of rejection. We invite presentation/participation proposals of artistic, scientific, mundane (KOMA?) and spiritual nature. As artists, scholars, and c(R)ooks, we are intrigued by the potential of contributions and provocations in different forms including - but by no means Ltd. to - mini lectures, performance sketches, reenactments, physical exercises, video and photographic documentations, scientific experiments (KOMA AGAIN?) etc.
We welcome
Presentation time: suggested 5-10 min.
Presentation format: open
· mini-lecture
· mini-presentation (e.g. how to do things, movement, magic or the making of a
· mini-performance (e.g. song, dance, poetry, multi-disciplinary texts)
· mini-exhibition (video, photo and recorded sound projects)

brAInsTOrm VII: Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016
Performing Technology, Humans and the Politics of In-betweenes
11 am - 4pm @ Luella Massey Studio Theatre, 4 Glen Morris Street (just behind Robarts Library), Toronto
More info HERE
Also see FB Events Jan16, 2016 and Jan.17, 2016
A two-day exploration of themes like intersectionality, in-betweeness, multi-linguality and inter-activity in current creative research practices and the digital humanities as relevant to the performing arts and performing bodies. It is a free and open event for artists, scholars, scientists and students across disciplines. The venue is our wonderful and intimate Luella Massey Studio Theatre in downtown Toronto.
NOTE: As always, we will document this event via audio recordings and visual documentation to be shared in an open source fashion.
Presenters DAY ONE 16.January 2016:
11.10 am Antje Budde, On In-betweeness
11.20 - 11.50 am Natasha Davis (UK), On Migration
Coffee break
12.10 - 12.30 pm Art Babayants, On Vivisection, Toronto Laboratory Theatre
12.30 - 12.50 pm Jijo Quayson, On Bodies, Digital Dramaturgy Lab
12.50 - 1.10 pm Sasha Kovacs, On Mechanics, Ars Mechanica Theatre
1.10 - 1.30 pm Monty Martin, On Software, Digital Dramaturgy Lab
Pizza Lunch
2pm - 4pm Practical workshop with Natasha Davis
Artistic presentation DAY TWO 17.January 2016
3 - 4pm TEETH SHOW, created and performed by Natasha Davis
4 - 4.30pm chat with Natasha Davis

brAInsTOrm VI: Monday, April 20, 2015
2pm - 5pm @ The Epicure Café, 502 Queen St W (2nd floor)
Also see FB event
Moderated by Sebastian Samur and Monty Martin
Playing intro by Antje Budde and Don Sinclair
We want to explore how PLAY as a concept, practice, skill, philosophy, pedagogy, economy informs our innovations, creativity, thought and research in artistic and academic works related to collaborative performance in/through/with digital (theatre) cultures.
As always, we will document this event via audio recordings and visual documentation to be shared in an open source fashion.
Peter Nesselroth - Oulipo, the "Ouvroir de Littérature potentielle"
Alison Humphrey - Shadowboxing
Sebastian Samur and Richard Windeyer - At Play with the Vocal Mask
Larry Switzky - Immersive Journal
Monty Montgomery - Play Practice
Noam Lior - Shakespeare at Play
Nina Czegledy - Card Game

brAInsTOrm V: Friday, Oct.10, 2014
4pm - 6pm @ Robert Gill Theatre, Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance tudies, University of Toronto.
214 College Street (NW corner of St. George and College) 3rd floor
Chair: Cathy N. Davidson, Distinguished Professor and Director, Futures Initiative and HASTAC@CUNY
Jade E. Davis, Communications, University of North Carolina
Dwayne Dixon, Anthropology, Duke University
Gregory T. Donovan, Communication and Media Studies, Fordham University
Amanda Licastro, English, Graduate Center, CUNY
Nick Sousanis, Teachers College, Columbia University
Hastac website HERE
OUR Facebook event HERE
Youtube link to video documentation HERE

brAinsTOrm IV : Monday, March 10, 2014
4-8pm hosted @Videofag (187 Augusta Ave., Kensington Market)
This time we venture out to Videaofag’s storefront theatre and kitchen - making potato pancakes (Kartoffelpuffer)!
Many Toronto artists and theatre scholars - or both - went to Berlin recently as urban explorers of the theatre and performance scene. The DDL went on a two-week trip in the Summer of 2013, first to Hamburg and then to Berlin in order to find out how digital culture, performance and globalization are connected and what is inspiring or scary about these developments. Our experience is documented on our blog “Digital Cake”. (http://digitaladventure.tumblr.com/about)
We would like to connect with other Toronto-based artists and scholars and learn what they learned or got excited about.
As always, we are inspired by Matt Ratteo’s idea of “Critical Making” and hence we will make potato pancakes from scratch, chat, discuss, share photos, video and sound clips.
So, bring you memories and your grater (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grater)
More info here

brAinsTOrm III : Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Hosted at the Rehearsal Room at the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Toronto
Presentations by Art Babayants, Joel Chico, Chelse Dab Hilke, Shelley Liebembuk, Myrto Koumarianos, with an introduction by Antje Budde.
The topic: "Digital Performance Dramaturgies and Globalization. - Reality/Virtuality/Intermediality, In-betweeness and the Politics of Theatrical Aesthetics” . The presentations are a first test run for our participation in student symposia in Hamburg, Berlin and Potsdam this June and July.
*BYOC bring your own coffee

brAinsTOrm II : Wednesday, Feb.20, 2013
Hosted at the iSchool's Semaphore Room. February 20th, 2013.
Present: Antje Budde, Don Sinclair, Helen Yung, Michael Reinhart, Art Babyants, Douglas Hamilton, Assaf Gadot, Michael Palumbo, Shelly Liebembuk, Karyn McCallum, Magi Oman, Aidan Dahlin Nolan.
DIscussion Topics:
Introduction of the new DDL Website! Coding as Choreography, SAfari possibilities, Lively discussion of the radical changes in collaborative theatre production, sound discussion with Michael Palumbo
Click here to participate in our Google Doc notes from the BRAINSTORM!
*BYOC bring your own coffee
brAinsTOrm I : Monday, Dec.17 2012
Hosted at the Collective Studio & Event Space,
Art Babayants, Antje Budde, Nina Czegledy, Aidan Dahlin-Nolan, Assaf Gadot, Oleg Kisselev, Myrto Koumarianos, Montgomery Martin, Michael Reinhart, Don Sinclair, Vojin Vasovic, Radojka Vrabac
Discussion Topics
Introduction to the Digital Dramaturgy Lab, Artaud's Cage and OCAD workshop in review, modes of collaboration, SPLICE and works by Nina Czegledy
For content breakdown CLICK HERE
*BYB bring your own beer