About the Digital Dramaturgy Lab
The Digital Dramaturgy Lab (founded in April 2012) is a nomadic, creative research initiative of artists, scholars, scientists and students in collaboration with the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Toronto and partners like the Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI) at U of T and the Computational Arts Program at York University.
The Digital Dramaturgy Lab (DDL) investigates in practical, scholarly and critical terms:
• the relationship between digital technology and artistic performance
• TOGETHERNESS - respect, live and mediated performing bodies, collaboration,
• interactive strategies between performers and audiences
• multidisciplinary creative interaction and creation between artists, scholars, programmers, designers
hi-jacking hacking software to performative ends
• in-betweeness, reality, virtuality, queerness, multi-dimensionality
• collisions between structure and form, re-configuring (Brechts) apparatus
• QUEERING - socio-political and cultural positioning through inter-media performance and installation informed by queer-feminist and post-colonial critical thought
• CRITICAL MAKING of play and game
• RADICAL SLOWNESS - cross-disciplinary collaboration, delayed-ness and power negotiations in creative processes - LEARNING
• LAUGHTER - critical doubt, joy
• soundscape landscape videoscape bodyscape mindscape ecoscape socioscape
We invite you to share in the happenings and happiness of the Digital Dramaturgy Lab, and to discuss future undertakings, methodologies, and resources of this exciting initiative by connecting with us via our FACEBOOK GROUP and TWITTER feeds, or by visiting one of our upcoming events.